Thursday, 8 April 2010

Welcome to The School of Life

Talks, the spoken word and online conferences are totally de rigeur. I was watching an Alain de Botton lecture on yesterday, then clicked through to his site and came across The School of Life where he's holding some talks later on this year.

What a fascinating and truly unique concept. It reminds me a bit of a middle-class circus...or is that just the font on their site working it's magic? The School of Life extols an almost mystic, mind-enriching, self-nourishment ethos. Or put more simply, it's a social enterprise offering good ideas for everyday life.

Here are some of the interesting happenings you can be a part of:
  1. Classes - on stuff like 'The art of conversation' and 'How to be Cool'....
  2. Blibliotherapy - a 1 2 1 session where you can review your reading life and get inspiration
  3. Breakfast club - croissants and philosophy all before 9am
and so on..

Quite the modern-day alternative to splashing your cash at the shops & hanging out with your mates talking rubbish.

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