Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Polish Poster Pin Ups

Right, I’ve been a bit quiet of late because I’ve been very busy writing proposals and meeting people. Brace yourself for a flurry of things I’ve seen & read recently.

First up. I caught the end of the Modern Polish Poster Design exhibition by Warsaw design shop Homework at Kemistry Gallery.  The 50 posters on show were totally stunning.  Now this is fresh, this is cut through and THIS, my friends, is quality creative engagement.

Homework has been going since 2003 and has established an enviable list of cultural and creative clients including small theatres and indie film distributors. With exhibitions in Paris, Berlin and now London along with a series of awards on the mantelpiece I doubt this is the last we’ve heard of Homework.

Pick up one of their posters for £40. I’ll certainly be getting one.

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