Monday 30 August 2010

Silver Space Pillows has moved

It's time for me to pack up and move as I've just launched a shiny new site with an integrated blog. To read future posts please visit or my Facebook page. See you there!

Monday 12 July 2010

Fallon Brainfood x VCU Brandcenter: The Engagement Opportunity

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Fun for chores

An awesome example of the real world / digital world interplay. Here the construct of the role playing game helps you to get your boring 'to do list' stuff done and enjoy doing it. Nice.

Found via PSFK

Thursday 8 July 2010

Nike - Lace Up and Save Lives

This is such a great initiative and I continue to be blown away by how Nike comms continually raise the bar - you've got bad ass csr, eye watering film after film, they've handed the red campaign to the masses.....not to mention the fact they've utterly stolen the World Cup crown from under Adidas's nose. Pure class.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Stephen Bayley - old school pompousness

Don't let this charming photo deceive you, this man is on a mission and is likely to take out anyone who gets in his way. I went to a CMW Bacon Club talk last night and was looking forward to a talk from Bayley. Amongst a list of fine accolades he is/has been Chief Exec of the Design Museum, Creative Director of the Millenium Dome, as well as architecture and design correspondent of The Observer etc.

During his talk he failed once to talk about or champion design. Instead it was a vulgar crusade of me, me, me followed by bitch, bitch, bitch. I left the talk feeling disappointed, horrified and somewhat violated in equal measure. Thank goodness I'm not from that school of thought. C_R_A_P.

Monday 28 June 2010

Unexposed exposures

You know I love Warhol (hence the name of the blog) and this previously unpublished shot, which ended up on the cutting room floor for his book Exposure, just caught my eye. He shot several rolls of film every week for the book he originally titled Social Diseases.

Found via 100WordsPhotographyMag

Science Museum rebrand

We all love Science Museum, don't we? So many of us remember knob-twiddling a go-go and sci-fi play as kids. Personally one of my seminal childhood memories was 'becoming' Superman on the green screen - loved it.

Over recent years, Science Museum has been working hard to bring in new visitors and break free of the age old 'science is for geeks' adage. The 'adult-only' lates, for example, have been proving popular. Ooerr.

Science Museum has just announced a rebrand - a continuation in their effort to present a fresh, human and more interesting self. The only thing is, it must have been on a budget...or maybe no budget. Why do I say this? Well it's a hasty visual shortcut to present something new. A new logo, and a new font.

What they needed was a true rebrand. Something which harnesses their values, their value in today's society and brings their story and mission to life.

The cautionary tale is you get what you pay for. And if you don't cough up the big players won't put out...and quite right too. Sadly, the end result just doesn't cut it.